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Spiro·naut Feature: Mike Pyatt

Wonder what makes our Spiro•nauts out of this world while thriving in the NEW NOW™? Check out our series featuring behind-the-scenes peeks of what drives their distinctive THERE•ness™!  

Meet Spiro·naut Mike Pyatt [“Michael” when he’s in trouble], Producer on the Events team, and check out his take on the importance of specialization and collaboration, what makes for great karaoke, spending time with family, and ballroom dancing.

Coming to you from San Antonio, Texas, take a glimpse into Mike's world—both in and outside of work. 

What superpower do you bring to work? 

I stay out of the way of people who are smarter and more experienced at their specific tasks related to the project and I make sure they have what they need to execute. If they’re happy, I’m happy–and ultimately, our client is happy.  

How do you refine and sharpen your skills?  

Honestly, I think back to the projects & events where I got my a** kicked and remember that the reason was that I thought I could do it all. So, with every project, I remind myself not to repeat the same mistake. I bring in people who are experienced at the job or task at hand, and I make sure they have everything they need to carry through.  

What excites you about your work and our industry? 

Every day is a different hodgepodge of stuff that keeps things interesting and fun. In one meeting you’re talking about a jolly boat for a museum installation, in the next, you’re discussing tent sizes for a financial event, followed up by a meeting chatting about cigars and fruit bars.

For all you know, tomorrow may present another opportunity where you get to say, “Sure, why not? We can do that!”  

What’s the coolest thing you’ve done or place you’ve visited?  

New Year’s Eve in New York City was one of the coolest things I’ve done on a personal level. My wife and I were working in Times Square, and thanks to our security director, we were able to walk in at 11:45 p.m. to 44th Street & 7th Avenue and watch the ball drop under a shower of confetti.

I’m not sure whether I was more excited about the ball drop or that we didn’t have to wait hours in the cold to see it, but either way, it was a really special time for us.  

The coolest thing I’ve been able to do professionally was to visit Tokyo for an entertainment & film client exhibition. The crew’s work ethic in Tokyo was amazing, but even more amazing was a night of karaoke with my main contact on-site, Saito-San. If you’ve never had “Enter Sandman” sung to you with some of the best air guitar moves ever witnessed, then you’re missing out.  

If anyone ever wants to do karaoke for “I Want it That Way” by the Backstreet Boys, I’m game.  

What makes Spiro stand out from other agencies? 

We’re the best. Not only do we have folks that are really, really good at what they do, but our Spiro•nauts care about what they do and what they put out into the world.  

Adding to that, Spiro•nauts aren’t jerks, which makes life so much easier–especially when challenges or opportunities arise during the life of a project or an event.  

What’s an interesting fact that people may be surprised to learn about you? 

I met my wife, Jackie, in a ballroom dancing class in college. (Yes, I took the class to meet girls–and it worked!)  

What’s funny is that in the very first class, the teacher started pairing people up, without informing the class that whomever we were paired with was our partner for the rest of the semester. I lucked out by getting paired with Jackie.

I don’t remember any of the dance steps, but I got the girl–so, I must not have been too bad. 

What’s your favorite pastime when you’re home or off the clock? 

With a 6-year-old firecracker of a daughter, Emily, and a constantly on-the-move 18-month-old son, Andrew, my hobbies during this phase of my life are family excursions.  

Whether it’s a day trip to Blue Bonnet fields, floating down the Comal River, or just going to a fun spot for dinner to enjoy a nice, cold beverage while the kids play, that’s what life is all about right now. I’m just trying to take it all in and enjoy it to the fullest, as I know it goes by quickly.


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