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Spiro·naut Feature: Kevin Ruiz

Wonder what makes our Spiro•nauts out of this world while thriving in the NEW NOW™? Check out our series featuring behind-the-scenes peeks at what drives their distinctive THERE•ness™!

Spiro·naut Kevin Ruiz, Manager on our Data & Insights Team, is an experienced problem solver who guides our clients by staying on top of industry trends & current events. Outside of work, Kevin uses cooking to keep him connected to & inspired by various communities & cultures from around the world, which helps him bring a unique perspective to the team.

Coming to you from Kenosha, Washington, take a glimpse into Kevin's world—both in and outside of work.

What superpower do you bring to work?

One of the skills I possess that has proved invaluable over the years is my unwavering persistence when faced with a challenge. Whether it's grappling with a complex technical issue, resolving on-site problems or addressing novel concepts in the context of internal or client projects, I relish the chance to tackle these obstacles head-on. While discovering the solution brings immense satisfaction, I really find a great deal of joy in the process of learning and problem-solving.

How do you refine and sharpen your skills?

To enhance my proficiency, I consistently challenge myself by exploring new skills or extending my existing skill set to new domains. My approach involves a variety of methods such as staying on top of industry news and trends via articles, using learning platforms & journals, and dedicating time to specifically contemplate how external influences can be adopted in the industry. I try to take a futurist outlook and contemplate where the industry is heading to keep myself and our clients ahead of the curve.

What excites you about your work and our industry?

The pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to our industry, but the grit and tenacity by everyone and the ensuing revival have been nothing short of remarkable. Amidst the turbulence, we have had the chance to learn and evolve, which has the potential to bring about a paradigm shift from the conventional approach and toward a newfound enthusiasm for innovation. This has manifested in adopting novel technologies, completely evolving existing processes and cultivating a vision for a sustainable future.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve done or place you’ve visited?

I'm huge into food, so of course one of the coolest things I've done is food-related. During a work trip to Barcelona, I decided to take a personal day and explore the city without any specific plans. I visited numerous bars and restaurants, and even though I usually prefer to plan out the "best" places to eat, I've always tried to remember the quote, "If you don't risk the bad meal, you never get the magical one."

I ate both great and not-so-great tapas, as well as some locally made vermouth recommended by the locals. These new acquaintances also suggested I visit a 3-cushion billiards hall, one of my favorite games, and had a total blast. The spontaneity and authenticity of the experience made it all the more enjoyable.

What makes Spiro™ stand out from other agencies?

We approach everything from an entirely different perspective. Everyone cares about client success, but our objective-based approach combined with the insights, measurement, and strategy we provide is unrivaled. When you look at our wildly talented teams, from account services to design, operations, and everyone in between, our teams always push the envelope and take their work to a level you didn't think possible. It's no wonder why we're able to continually help clients break through to new levels of success.

What’s an interesting fact that people may be surprised to learn about you?

Prior to getting into marketing and data science, I got my undergrad degree in anthropology. I spent a super brief period of time after graduating working as a field archaeologist on a number of sites across central Illinois.

What else would you like to share from your world?

Food and cooking have played a huge role in my life ever since I was young. They are such fundamental building blocks of how we build connections with one another and such simple ways to experience other cultures. What's not to love?

Teaching my kids about cooking and sharing time with the family in the kitchen is one of my favorite things to do! I am also a huge coffee nerd. I have my dedicated espresso station and have the process down to a science, and I always have a new coffee from a boutique roaster every week.


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